This site decodes and re-encodes gift codes from Cookie Clicker🡕. Now you may be thinking, "Gift codes? In Cookie Clicker?". That's because, as of March 2023, they're exclusive to the beta🡕. Update is out now! Go wild.
Most of the parameters are clamped when they're imported into the game, which is better than straight up rejecting a code with, for example, too many cookies. I was hoping it would say something funny for codes generated on a future date, but Orteil just made it so you can redeem codes that were generated up to 2 days in the future, much like how codes expire after 2 days.
The one thing that isn't clamped is the icon. You can select any icon in the game for a gift. That's why I went all out on a selector for it. You can get rather creative with the icons, given that you can put any text you want to go along with it.
Have fun, love you!
Input code:
Raw code:
Date of Creation: Use JavaScript Date(string) format🡕. Fun fact: putting "NaN" here will cause the cookies to never expire (as of CC version 2.052)
Cookies go bad on:
Cookie amount: Game limits it to between 1 and 1000, inclusive
Icon (Click the big grid to select an icon):
Message: Each line is limited to 25 characters, and limited to 4 lines in total
Output code:
Generate code